I deactivated my Twitter account last night. Apparently it won’t be fully deleted for thirty days. If I change my mind in that time, I can go back.
I won’t change my mind. I won’t go back.
The deactivation page on the Twitter site has a link asking for users to share their reasons for leaving. I clicked on the link and typed my response into the available space. But when I clicked on the required subject selection button, I was directed to a help menu page and the text box disappeared. I went through the process several times, selecting different subjects each time, but the result was the same. Apparently Twitter doesn’t really expect, or want, to hear why users leave. And I very much doubt many users officially deactivate their accounts. Most users who grow weary of the site probably just stop using it. However, I want my presence removed. I do not wish to contribute to the success of Twitter by adding my one pathetic account to their overall userbase statistics.
Following is the message I typed into the Twitter “tell us why you’re leaving” box:
I am in the process of deactivating my account. Your deactivation page asks, “Is it something we said? Tell us.” No, it is not specifically something Twitter said. Rather, I choose to no longer support a service and company that allows violent extremist organizations like Boko Haram and ISIS to promote and publicize themselves. The recent media stories about Boko Haram announcing via Twitter that they will ally themselves with ISIS indicate to me that Twitter is comfortable profiting from the presence of criminals and murderers. I no longer wish to associate with a company that makes these choices. I miss the days when Twitter was about what people had for lunch today rather than a platform for promoting violence and murder. I do not understand why Twitter allows known terror groups and groups threatening violence to the entire western world to use their service. I like to believe that I am reasonably tolerant of most belief systems, but I draw the line at associating with a company that is used by groups like ISIS and Boko Haram to promote their ideology of hatred and murder. I am not comfortable with the guilt-by-association I feel by continuing to use your service. While I generally appreciate the freedom of speech offered by Twitter’s platform, I feel that Twitter has become a tool for purposes and for groups that I prefer not to support. I am sure the profits the Twitter corporation shareholders will reap from Boko Haram and ISIS and similar organizations will far outstrip the minimal losses you might incur from the departure of those in the minority like me. Thanks, it’s been fun, but I’m done.