It would probably be a lot easier to just forget this whole “blog” thang and just go back to using LiveJournal.
Oh yeah, LiveJournal. Do I still have an account on that Russian spam generator of a blogging site?
It would probably be a lot easier to just forget this whole “blog” thang and just go back to using LiveJournal.
Oh yeah, LiveJournal. Do I still have an account on that Russian spam generator of a blogging site?
Huh, whatta ya know? I have a blog!
I had completely forgotten about this web site. Today I received an email about updating the WordPress installation. When I visited the domain, I was surprised to discover a blog. My blog!
Apparently I had begun to transfer this blog over to a different domain. I should check that one to see what’s there.
Not much to report.
On Big Island visiting my dad, who is staying in a condo complex with a group of his friends. Meeting or visiting with people I do not know or do not know well is always very challenging and exhausting for me.
Returned home in the evening.
I’m starting to look like one of Palmer Cox’s Brownies – round in the middle and a little bit jowly with spindly arms and legs poking out.
The intent for today, a holiday from work, was to wake up early, spend twenty minutes on a “freewriting” exercise to get my fingers and brain warmed up, and then to immerse myself into my NaNoWriMo project.
That didn’t happen. Instead I wasted the entire day. Most of it I squandered looking at random stuff on the internet.
I’m quite discouraged. About almost everything.
I’m two weeks into this daily blogging about “doing stuff” and have pretty much nothing to show for it. Of course, that was kind of the point of this blog: to illustrate how, despite my efforts, I never get anything done or make any changes.
We got word at work today that the schools will be closed on Friday in advance of an approaching tropical storm. As an illustration of the environment at work: I did not hear a single staff member expressing concerns about the approaching storm, but there was widespread delight at the announcement of the school closures. People would rather face a potentially destructive hurricane than come to work. So it’s not just me.
I’m looking forward to the three-day weekend myself.